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Zebra helps TSA members to ‘Get the Measure of Marketing’

Zebra helps TSA members to ‘Get the Measure of Marketing’(Posted on 16/05/24)

Zebra Marketing has worked with The Survey Association (TSA), the trade association representing land surveyors in the UK, since 2022. We provide TSA with all-round marketing support, including copywriting and design for its corporate literature, content for its social media and website, and more.As part of the event management we provide to TSA, we proposed a new series of Business Improvement Seminars for TSA members, in line with the organisation... Read more...

Creating an experience! The guide to getting the event location right

Creating an experience! The guide to getting the event location right(Posted on 09/05/24)

An event isn’t just creating the opportunity to get people together, it’s about creating memories and magic. Therefore, it’s important to make sure the venue space is the right fit for the event. The space you choose can make or break your event, and there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into account. Here are our top five tips for finding the best event location.1         &... Read more...

Sense of time – how to stop team photos becoming dated too soon

Sense of time – how to stop team photos becoming dated too soon(Posted on 25/03/24)

Team photos, either individual or group shots, should be an accurate representation of those pictured at a given time. Every picture dates, from the moment it’s committed to a frozen photographic image – be that a snapshot or screengrab on a phone, or a professionally shot and lit portrait. But there are ways to ensure that your team photos have less chance of dating from the day they are uploaded to a company website or LinkedIn profile... Read more...

Serving up another taste of history – cocoa-ing back in time

Serving up another taste of history – cocoa-ing back in time (Posted on 18/03/24)

As our previous article on the history of our new Zebra HQ (aka The Cocoa Rooms) proved so popular, we couldn’t resist expanding our research to find out more about the historic building which Zebra now calls home.With plenty of gaps in our knowledge as to the history of the building, we felt it was only right to continue to piece together this intriguing puzzle. We would therefore like to thank Cllr Helen Maurice-Jones of the Rossett... Read more...

Good enough to eat – the top five tips for food marketing on social media

Good enough to eat – the top five tips for food marketing on social media(Posted on 11/03/24)

Food posts on social media platforms are a visual feast for the eyes. Every post created is a delightful experience of indulgence. According to Instagram statistics, 38% of users view food content. Each month #food accounts for more than 250 million posts. It’s no wonder ‘foodies’ are turning to social media platforms to boost their creations or search for others. Let’s look at the top tips for food marketing:  ... Read more...

Creating employee advocacy: encouraging employees to engage with your social media programme

Creating employee advocacy: encouraging employees to engage with your social media programme(Posted on 04/03/24)

If you are happy with your social media marketing programme, it may well be time to start considering how you can improve your strategy so you are increasing your engagement and reach as far as possible. Don’t forget that your employees have the potential to be the best possible advocates for your brand. Whether you have four employees or 40, or even 400, each can play a valuable role when it comes to promoting your organisation. If you... Read more...