Zebra helps TSA members to ‘Get the Measure of Marketing’

(Posted on 16/05/24)

Zebra helps TSA members to ‘Get the Measure of Marketing’

Zebra Marketing has worked with The Survey Association (TSA), the trade association representing land surveyors in the UK, since 2022. We provide TSA with all-round marketing support, including copywriting and design for its corporate literature, content for its social media and website, and more.

As part of the event management we provide to TSA, we proposed a new series of Business Improvement Seminars for TSA members, in line with the organisation’s message of helping them ‘to build a better business’.

‘Take Five with TSA’, provides delegates with five takeaways, which they can immediately put into practice in their own business.

The first seminar focused on marketing and Maggie Austen, account director and Kathryn Walsh, communications manager from Zebra, presented a practical learning session ‘Take Five with TSA: ‘Getting the Measure of Marketing’ to a group of surveyors, representing land surveying firms from across the UK.

Held last week at the stunning Jaguar Experience in Birmingham, the seminar focused on:

  1. Communicating with the media
  2. Using photography effectively
  3. Keeping your website updated
  4. Creating powerful content for your website
  5. Planning your social media activity.

Far from being a ‘death by PowerPoint’, the session aimed to generate as much attendee involvement as possible, with task-based workshops held throughout. This allowed the attendees time to put into practice what they had just learned.

We were delighted to receive positive feedback from the event, with 80% of the attendees surveyed rating the presentation and training from Zebra Marketing as Excellent and 20% as Good, and 100% of respondents finding the day worthwhile.

Clara Hughes, director at Zebra said: “I am delighted it was so well received (although I had no doubt that Maggie and Kathryn would ace it!).”


If you would be interested in finding out more about our marketing workshops, get in touch with us today.