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Filming day for playground specialist Ace Play
(Posted on 30/05/23)Earlier in the year, our clients at Wrexham-based Ace Play, the indoor and outdoor playground equipment specialists, were approached by S4C’s popular Welsh television show Prosiect Pum Mil for help on its next exciting project.The TV show is renovating an old sailing club in Pwllheli, Wales, which is not at all fit for purpose, into a space for children with disabilities and learning difficulties. The TV show team hopes to transform a play... Read more...
Fundraisers club together for Stick ‘n’ Step’s 21st birthday charity golf day
(Posted on 03/05/23)152 golfers took part in our client Stick ‘n’ Step’s annual golf day on Monday 1st May at Pryors Hayes Golf Club in Cheshire. With donations still coming in, over £26,000 was raised for the cerebral palsy charity, which is celebrating its 21st birthday this year.38 four ball teams took part in the event, with players coming from all around the UK. Sporting stars including footballing legends Derek Mountfield, Arthur Albiston... Read more...
12 months of Zebra – a look back on 2022
(Posted on 07/12/22)It’s been a busy 12 months at Zebra, and we have celebrated many highlights throughout the year.We have been thrilled to be involved in coordinating, developing and assisting with so many of our clients’ one-off and ongoing projects, including new films, animations, websites, PR, social media development, in-person exhibitions, rebrands, online webinars and conferences, AGM’s, newsletters, surveys, books and much more!Here&rsquo... Read more...
And the award goes to ……. : why is entering awards good for your business?
(Posted on 12/10/22)It’s been a great month so far for our client CB Homes Ltd. The self-build homes specialist has already secured one prestigious building industry award win and has been shortlisted for a further three categories in another set of industry awards. We are now eagerly awaiting the results of the final judging stage. Whatever type of business you are in, and whether your company is large or small, there will be a whole range of industry-specific... Read more...
Giving back to charitable organisations
(Posted on 14/07/22)Charities need our help more than ever during the tough economic crisis we are encountering. We look at how volunteering not only helps the charity but can boost your business too.Volunteering and giving to charity can make you feel good; it strengthens personal values. It shows your children they can make positive changes too and encourages others to do the same. Before the pandemic, the future was bright for many charities, with plenty of sponsorships... Read more...
Stake your claim – the Green Claims Code and what it means for business
(Posted on 28/06/22)There was a new piece of legislation introduced in the UK late last year, that’s good news for environmentally-conscious consumers. Buyers are becoming more and more aware of companies’ green credentials and making buying choices based on them. If a company gets bad publicity due to it being associated with adverse stories about the way it operates, how it makes its products or where it sources its material from, it can have a huge impact... Read more...